Thursday 15 December 2011

the yellow crystal peak

"oh Lord.. guide me through this valley of the death".. That will be me when I went to this place.. but not for them that become their daily life have to earn for their life. I was surprised that I could survive along this "heavy track" to meet them personally and framed them..

urban landscape

A city. with various interest of the people that live in.. will create their own character.. A  City also showing how develop are the peoples inside.. This series about urban landscape... just enjoy it.. I will keep this thread be updated each time I got new one from various location, or I found my old archive.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

my baby

This is about my 6 month old baby Annabella, I took her photograph after several time post phone,  finally I could took it

Friday 17 June 2011

urban shadows

Shadows is important thing to create a sense of spaces, in this case to create urban space, it will different during minutes by minutes.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

urban temple

A contemplation place in the middle of busy urban area, why not, that is why this called urban temple,
an architectural art space installation done for Esplanade by Indonesian Architect named Eko Prawoto.

His concept is creating a contemplation place  by isolate a space from outside world, you could hear the crowd outside but feel lonely inside. For me that is life.